1998 Federal Information Systems Security
Educators’ Association (FISSEA)
Highlights From the 11th Conference


Theme: "Training American Workers in Computer Security"

8 a.m.     Registration / refreshments

             Welcome and Introduction
             Roger Quane, FISSEA Chair 

             Opening Speaker
              U.S. Congresswoman Constance Morella

             Developing A Training Video
             Pat Ciuffreda, U.S. Department of Justice 

             Sensible Computer-Based Training for Security
              (viewed in Microsoft Powerpoint  CBT-NIST.ppt
             K Rudolph, Native Intelligence 

12 noon  Lunch (on your own) 

1 p.m.     Commercial Off-the-Shelf Training Products
              John Ippolito, Allied Technology Group 

              Implementation of The New NIST Special Publication 800-16, 
               "Information Technology Security Training Requirements: A Role- and 
               Performance-Based Model"  A Practical Step-by-Step Approach Demonstration
              Dorothea deZafra, Department of Health and Human Services (Panel Chair). 
               (Special Publication 800-16 was published in April 1998 and supersedes Special
               Publication 500-172.  For an introduction to Special Publication 800-16, see the
               April 1998 ITL Bulletin.)

              "Speak Out and Share Your Stuff"


 8 a.m.     Refreshments

              Strategies for Setting Security Training Plan Priorities
              John O’Leary, Computer Security Institute 

             Charlie Abzug, ICSISM 

             Public Key Infrastructure Training Issues
             Donna Dodson, NIST 

12 noon  Lunch (on your own) and Exhibits 

2 p.m.     Educator of the Year Award

              Latest Developments in Advanced Distance Learning
              Jim Brown, U.S. Department of Energy (Invited) 

              Future of FISSEA
              Roger Quane, FISSEA Chair 

              FISSEA By Laws
              Phil Sibert, U.S. Department of Energy 

              NIST Support/Relationship to FISSEA
              Mark Wilson, NIST 

               Nomination/Election of FISSEA Board of Directors
              Mark Wilson, NIST 


 8 a.m.     Refreshments

              Training - Return on Investment
              Roger Quane, FISSEA Chair 

              ISC2 Update
              Rick Koenig, International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium 

              INFOSEC Training Products
              Joan Pohly and George Bieber, INFOSEC Program Management Office 

              Results of FISSEA Board of Directors Election
              Mark Wilson, NIST 

12 noon  Conference wrap-up

12:30-2 p.m. New Executive Board Meeting

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