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Lightweight Cryptography Workshop 2016

NIST hosted the second Lightweight Cryptography Workshop on October 17-18, 2016.  In 2013, NIST initiated the lightweight cryptography project to study the performance of the current NIST-approved cryptographic standards on constrained devices and to understand the need for a dedicated lightweight cryptography standard, and if the need is identified, to design a transparent process for standardization. In 2015, NIST held the first Lightweight Cryptography Workshop in Gaithersburg, MD, to get public feedback on the requirements and characteristics of real-world applications of lightweight cryptography.

Currently, NIST is developing a report on lightweight cryptography, which will provide an overview of the project, as well as the plans for moving forward. In particular, NIST has decided to create a portfolio of dedicated lightweight algorithms through an open process similar to the selection of modes of operation of block ciphers. Algorithm recommendations will be associated with 'profiles' that target a class of devices and applications. NIST seeks to discuss issues related to potential future standardization process of lightweight primitives, including the proposed standardization process and profile construction.

NISTIR 8114:  Report on Lightweight Cryptography (March 2017)

DRAFT NISTIR 8114: Report on Lightweight Cryptography

Accepted Papers (posted Sept 23 2016)     Call for Presentations

Inquiries:  lightweight-crypto2016@nist.gov

Full Details

Event Details

Starts: October 17, 2016 - 09:00 AM EDT
Ends: October 18, 2016 - 04:45 PM EDT

Format: Both Type: Workshop

Agenda Website

Attendance Type: Open to public
Audience Type: Industry,Government,Academia


Gaithersburg, Maryland

Created December 23, 2016, Updated May 19, 2022