This poster describes a metrological analysis of certifiable randomness as an application of quantum computing. This is within the scope of the National Quantum Initiative Act from the U.S Congress. The problem at hand is the measurement of entropy (randomness) in a set of strings obtained from a quantum evaluation of a random circuit. We obtain a bound that is adequate even if the sample is maliciously crafted by an adversary. The challenge is specially suited for NIST, as it combines ideas from metrology, cryptography and quantum computing, and sheds light on safety margins of parameters to achieve proper assurance of randomness. This analysis taps into the potential of quantum randomness applications. Some of the ideas have motivated subsequent joint work with external stakeholders with real quantum computers.
NIST-ITL Virtual Science Day 2020 (October 29) -- Presentation over video-conference.
Poster based on article with the same title: DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.24562.94400
Joint work with René Peralta.
Security and Privacy: post-quantum cryptography, random number generation