Cybersecurity for the Space Domain
National space assets and operations are critical to the security and economic well-being of the United States. Commercial Space is an increasingly important part of space operations and provide support to other sectors within our critical infrastructure. Space is an inherently harsh environment for operations and space systems are subjected to cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities. As space becomes a more important to our critical infrastructure, the impact of a cyber attack and the corresponding risk increases. The risk to commercial space operations needs to be understood and managed alongside other risks to ensure safe and successful operations. The NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) has informed the work within this domain at the NCCoE and beyond through interagency agreements (IAA) with our federal partners.
Security Guidance
Hybrid Satellite Networks Cybersecurity
Hybrid Satellite Networks or HSN provides flexible use of commercial satellites that can host non-commercial payloads.Finalized Guidance
Related NIST Publications
NISTIR 8270: Introduction to Cybersecurity for Commercial Satellite Operations
This report provides a general introduction to cybersecurity risk management with a focus on the space vehicles. The report is intended to provide guidance to the commercial satellite industry in their efforts to manage cybersecurity risks in space. -
NISTIR 8323 Rev. 1: Foundational PNT Profile (Final)
This PNT Profile provides a flexible framework for users of PNT to manage risks when forming and using PNT signals and data, which are susceptible to disruptions and manipulations that can be natural, manufactured, intentional, or unintentional. -
NISTIR 8401: Satellite Ground Segment (Final)
This report applies the NIST Cybersecurity Framework to the ground segment of space operations with an emphasis on the command and control of satellite buses and payloads.
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A Community of Interest (COI) is a group of professionals and advisors who share business insights, technical expertise, challenges, and perspectives to guide NCCoE projects. COIs often include experts, innovators, and everyday users of cybersecurity and privacy technologies. Share your expertise and consider becoming a member of this project's COI.