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Public Comments on the Public Forum on Certificate Authorities and Digital Signatures: Enhancing Global Electronic Commerce
July 24, 1997

These are the comments which were submitted in electronic form.

Industry Comments:

Cover Letter
American Bar Association, Information Security Committee  Charles R. Merrill, Esq.    MS Word 
Association for Computing  Marc Rotenberg    ASCII 
Center for Democracy and Technology  Jim Dempsey  Check in box - have cover letter image  MS Word 
CommerceNet  Kaye K. Caldwell  Check in box - have cover letter image  PDF 
Computer Sciences Corporation  Randy Sparkman, NASA/MSFC contractor  Check in box - have cover letter image  MS Word 
Cooley Godward LLP  C. Bradford Biddle    ASCII 
Cybercash, Inc.  Carl M. Ellison  Check in box - have cover letter image  MS Word 
Public Key International  Paul Lampru    MS Word
Steptoe & Johnson LLP  Stewart Baker  Check in box - have cover letter image MS Word 
VISA U.S.A. Inc.  W. Lamar Smith  Check in box - have cover letter image  ASCII

Government Comments:

Cover Letter
State of Texas, Texas Department of Information Resources  C. J. Brandt, Jr.    ASCII 
State of Utah  Kenneth Allen  Check in box - have cover letter image  MS Word 

Other References:

BBN Technologies Dr. Stephen Kent How Many Certification Authorities Are Enough?,   MS Word 


Last updated: August 13, 2005
Page created: April 12, 1997