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Presentations from the Public Forum on Certificate Authorities and Digital Signatures: Enhancing Global Electronic Commerce
July 24, 1997

The following links are presentations that was submitted in electronic form. All presentations are in MS Powerpoint (.ppt) except when noted - at end of link.

Boss, Amelia     Temple University School of Law

What is the GE Trading Process Network?,
Bailey, Orville     General Electric Corporation

International Developments in the Legal Infrastructure for Digital Authentication,
Barassi, Ted     CertCo.

Biometric Technology,
Collier, Paul     Identicator Technology, Inc.

Real Need for Certificates,
Ellison, Carl     Cybercash

European Standardisation of TTPs and Related Activities, (MS Word)
Endersz, György     European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI)

"The Evolving U.S. Framework for Certificate Authorities and Use of Digital Signatures" Developments in the States, (MS Word)
Greenwood, Daniel     Commonwealth of Massachusetts

The Utah Digital Signature Act: A Brief History and Status Report,
Hollaar, Lee     University of Utah

Digital Signatures,
Housley, Russell     Spyrus

Digital Certificates/Signatures in Electronic Commerce,
Litell, Norman     VISA USA

On Being a Certification Authority,
Lowry, Scott     Digital Signature Trust Company

Digital Signature Legislation and Implementation,
Mackintosh, Linda     Office of the Secretary of State, State of Washington

Automotive Industry use of Certificate Authorities and Digital Certificates,
Moskowitz, Robert     Automotive Industry Action Group (Chrysler Corporation)

Electronic Authentication Towards A National Uniform Legal Structure For Electronic Commerce,
Parker, Ira     Alston & Bird LLP

The Business Challenge of Being a Certificate Authority,
Vignaly, Joe     GTE CyberTrust Solutions, Inc.


Last updated: August 13, 2005
Page created: July 29, 1997