Represents a change to the checklist content that does not affect the underlying rule/value configuration guidance put forth by the content. A scenario that would require a new checklist revision is when SCAP content is created for a prose checklist. This revision would change the checklist's content type from Prose to SCAP Content. A new checklist revision would be created to accommodate this change, while still maintaining the Prose checklist revision for interested parties.
NIST SP 800-70 Rev. 4
Represents a change to the checklist content that does not affect the underlying rule/value configuration guidance put forth by the content. A scenario that would require a new checklist revision would be when SCAP content is created for a prose checklist. This revision would change the checklist's Tier status from Tier I to either Tier III or IV. A new checklist revision would be created to accommodate this change, while still maintaining the Tier I checklist revision for interested parties.
NIST SP 800-70 Rev. 3