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Claimed Address


  The physical location asserted by a subject where they can be reached. It includes the individual’s residential street address and may also include their mailing address. For example, a person with a foreign passport living in the U.S. will need to give an address when going through the identity proofing process. This address would not be an “address of record” but a “claimed address.”
NIST SP 800-63-3

  The physical location asserted by a subject where they can be reached. It includes the individual’s residential street address and may also include their mailing address. For example, a person with a foreign passport living in the U.S. will need to give an address when going through the identity proofing process. This address would not be an “address of record” but a “claimed address.”
NIST SP 800-63-3

  The physical location asserted by an individual (e.g. an applicant) where he/she can be reached. It includes the residential street address of an individual and may also include the mailing address of the individual. For example, a person with a foreign passport, living in the U.S., will need to give an address when going through the identity proofing process. This address would not be an “address of record” but a “claimed address.”
NIST SP 800-63-2 [Superseded]