A combination of mutually reinforcing controls implemented by technical means, physical means, and procedural means. Such controls are typically selected to achieve a common information security or privacy purpose.
NIST SP 800-37 Rev. 2
A combination of mutually reinforcing security and/or privacy controls implemented by technical, physical, and procedural means. Such controls are typically selected to achieve a common information security- or privacy-related purpose.
NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 5
A combination of mutually reinforcing security and/or privacy controls implemented by technical means, physical means, and procedural means. Such controls are typically selected to achieve a common information security- or privacy-related purpose.
NIST SP 800-53B
See Capability, Security.
NISTIR 8011 Vol. 1
under Capability
A set of mutually reinforcing security controls implemented by technical, physical, and procedural means. Such controls are typically selected to achieve a common information security-related purpose.
NISTIR 8011 Vol. 1
under Capability, Security
A feature or function.
under Capability