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information system security officer (ISSO)

Abbreviation(s) and Synonym(s):


  Individual with assigned responsibility for maintaining the appropriate operational security posture for an information system or program.
NIST SP 800-137 under Information System Security Officer (ISSO) from CNSSI 4009
NIST SP 800-37 Rev. 1 [Superseded] under Information System Security Officer from CNSSI 4009
NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 4 [Superseded] under Information System Security Officer from CNSSI 4009

  See information systems security officer (ISSO).
CNSSI 4009-2015 under systems security officer (SSO) from NISTIR 7298 Rev. 2

  Individual assigned responsibility by the senior agency information security officer, authorizing official, management official, or information system owner for maintaining the appropriate operational security posture for an information system or program.
CNSSI 4009-2015 from NIST SP 800-30 Rev. 1
NIST SP 800-30 Rev. 1 under Information System Security Officer
NIST SP 800-39 under Information System Security Officer
NIST SP 800-60 Vol. 1 Rev. 1 under Information System Security Officer from CNSSI 4009 - Adapted
NIST SP 800-60 Vol. 2 Rev. 1 under Information System Security Officer from CNSSI 4009 - Adapted
NIST SP 800-53A Rev. 4 [Superseded] under Information System Security Officer

  Individual assigned responsibility by the senior agency information security officer, authorizing official, management official, or information system owner for ensuring that the appropriate operational security posture is maintained for an information system or program.
NIST SP 800-18 Rev. 1 under Information System Security Officer from CNSSI 4009 - Adapted
NISTIR 8170 under Information System Security Officer

  Individual assigned responsibility for maintaining the appropriate operational security posture for an information system or program. [Note: ISSO responsibility may be assigned by the senior agency information security officer, authorizing official, management official, or information system owner.]
NIST SP 800-128 under Information System Security Officer from NIST SP 800-53

  Person responsible to the designated approving authority for ensuring the security of an information system throughout its lifecycle, from design through disposal.
NIST SP 800-32 [Withdrawn] under Information System Security Officer (ISSO) from NSTISSI 4009