A suite of specifications that standardize the format and nomenclature by which software flaw and security configuration information is communicated, both to machines and humans.
Note: There are six individual specifications incorporated into SCAP: CVE (common vulnerabilities and exposures); CCE (common configuration enumeration); CPE (common platform enumeration); CVSS (common vulnerability scoring system); OVAL (open vulnerability assessment language); and XCCDF (eXtensible configuration checklist description format).
CNSSI 4009-2015
NIST SP 800-126 Rev. 2
A suite of specifications that standardize the format and nomenclature by which software flaw and security configuration information is communicated, both to machines and humans.
NIST SP 800-126 Rev. 2
under Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP)
NIST SP 800-126 Rev. 3
under Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP)
A protocol currently consisting of a suite of seven specifications that standardize the format and nomenclature by which security software communicates information about software flaws and security configurations.
NIST SP 800-128
under Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP)
NIST SP 800-128