Minimum Interoperability Specifications for PKI Components (MISPC)

NIST has developed the draft document Minimum Interoperability Specifications for PKI Components (MISPC) with the assistance of ten CRADA partners: AT&T, BBN, Certicom, Cylink, DynCorp, IRE, Motorla, Nortel, Spyrus, and Verisign. The specification includes a certificate and CRL profile, message formats and basic transactions for a PKI issuing signature certificates. The specification includes support for multiple signature algorithms and transactions to support a broad range of security policies. This document is available in two formats: Microsoft Word (284K) and PostScript (725K).

A 90 day comment period commenced Dec. 2, 1996 and will close March 2, 1997. After revision, this document will be published as a NIST Special Publication.