ISSO TRACK George L. Wooley - Track Chair


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ISSO TRACK George L. Wooley - Track Chair


PPT Slide

PPT Slide

PKI Definition

PKI Key Pairs

A Public Key Certificate

Service Taxonomy

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

PKI Generic Components/Roles

Why PKI?

DoD PKI Program Management and Policy

DoD PKI Policy Key Elements

PPT Slide

PMA Approach

DoD PKI Policy Certificate Assurance Levels

PKI Policy Key Elements

PKI Policy Key Elements

DoD PKI Goals

PPT Slide

What is a Certificate Policy?

DoD Certificate Assurance Levels

Certificate Policy Change Management

DoD PKI Roadmap

DoD Certificate Policy and Roadmap

Implementation Plan Status

PKI /KMI Technical Relationship

KMI Vision Architecture


What is a Certification Practice Statement?

Certification Practice Statement

Application Support

Implementation Plan Token Strategy

Implementation Plan Other Action Items

Selected Milestones

Defense In Depth for Technology



NIST - NSA - NIAP Validation, Certification, Endorsement


NIAP - A NIST/NSA Partnership Focusing On:

Common Criteria Evaluation and Validation Scheme (CCEVS)

The Common Criteria

Common Criteria Concepts

Common Criteria Protection Profile (PP)

Common Criteria Security Target (ST)

What’s In a PP

What’s In a PP

Existing Evaluation Programs

From the Old to the New

Terminology and Concepts

PPT Slide

Analysis of NIAP Certificate

NSA Product Evaluations Yesterday and Today

The New Deal


PPT Slide

NSA Information Assurance Solutions (IAS) Initiative

Information Assurance Technical Framework

Expected Use of Results

How Does the Framework Help Government Users?

Security Methodology

Flow From Policy to Specification

How It’s Organized

IATF Network Representation

Threats to The Network

Chapter 5: Defend the Network & Infrastructure

Chapter 6: Defend the Enclave Boundary / External Connections

Chapter 7: Defend the Computing Environment

Chapter 8: Supporting Infrastructures

Chapter 8: Supporting Infrastructures

Today’s Framework Elements

Case Specific Guidance (aka “Executive Summaries”)

Three Kinds of Protection Profiles

IATF Status

Information Assurance Technical Framework Forum (IATFF)

IATFF: Past Themes

1999 Forum Topics

IATFF Benefits

IATFF Information


Author: IA