Specifying System Security Requirements


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Table of Contents

Specifying System Security Requirements

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A Security Requirements Roadmap

Part I

What Ownership Means

Whose Requirements Are They?

Audiences and Their Interests

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Whose Requirement?

Rules for Requirements Mechanics

Part II

One Person’s Requirement is Another Person’s ...

Security Requirements Relationships

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What’s Wrong With This Picture?

Security Policy

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The Many Layers of Policy

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Technical Requirements

Technical Requirements (continued)

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Assurance Requirements

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Assurance Requirements (continued)

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Part III

Collections of Requirements

Stages of Security Definition

Some Spec Fundamentals . . .

Part IV

Should Security Stand Out?

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Some Specification Dimensions

Sensitivity-Driven Analysis

Sensitivity-Driven Structure

Requirement Subtypes

Sensitivity-Driven Approach

Architecture-Driven Analysis

Architecture-Driven Structure

Architecture-Driven Sample

Architecture-Driven Approach

Evolutionary Spec Considerations

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Part V

Syntax and Semantics

As I Was Saying...

Basic Syntax Goals

Syntax Nightmare #1

Syntax Fantasy #1

Syntax Nightmare #2

Syntax Fantasy #2

Basic Semantic Goals

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Semantic Nightmare #1

Semantic Fantasy #1

Semantic Nightmare #2

Semantic Fantasy #2

Before You Sign

Time to Stem the Tide

Author: Paula Moore