Critical Security Issues – Y2K! Hit or Miss?

Tuesday, 3:30, Regency F


Panelists: As we enter the final weeks before the change to the Year 2000, what are the critical security issues that we will face related to the rollover from 1999 to 2000.  Although testing and contingency planning are still being conducted, it is likely that some disruptions may occur.  How will we distinguish between an actual Y2K “hit” or “miss” on one of our mission critical systems.  Given the potential for electronic mischief during this time period, what steps can be taken now to mitigate the risk of a security breach masquerading as a Y2K problem?  Or, what is the potential for a date change glitch to mask an unauthorized intrusion?

This panel will provide a forum for the discussion of  potential Y2K related threats and Y2K independent security concerns.  The need for flexible plans, policies, and procedures that need to be available for execution will be addressed.


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