Role Based Access Control

Tuesday, 8:30, Regency BD



Role based access control (RBAC) has rapidly emerged as a viable mechanism alternative to classical discretionary and mandatory access controls. This tutorial will provide a comprehensive, self-contained and up-to-date review and analysis of the principles and practice of RBAC.

Target Audience: Intermediate (assumes basic familiarity with Infosec principles and practice)

Topic Outline

Professor Ravi Sandhu is Director of the Laboratory for Information Security Technology at George Mason University and President of Secusafe Associates.  He has authored over 130 technical papers on Information Security in refereed publications.  He is founding Editor-in-Chief of ACM Transactions on Information and Systems Security, Chairman of ACM SIGSAC and a member of the editorial board of IEEE Internet Computing.  He founded the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security and the ACM Workshop on Role-Based Access Control, and chairs their steering committees.  He has also served as Program Chair of the IEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop, the Annual Computer Security Applications Conference and the IFIP Workshop on Database Security.  He has consulted for numerous organizations and has lectured all over the world.
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