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Networking and the Internet
Assurance / Criteria / Testing

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Policy, Management, & Government Issues

Research & Development


Networking and the Internet Track

The lists below are the panels and papers in the Networking and the Internet Track. Clicking on a title will open a popup window that describes the paper or panel including the day, time, and room of the presentation. All presentations, speakers, and times are subject to change. We will do our best to list the most current information.  Times and dates will be announced soon.

Track Chairs:
David Balenson, NAI Labs, Network Associates
Russ Mundy, NAI Labs, Network Associates

Aspects of InfoSec, the UK View,
J. Doody, CESG, UK
Black Hat — White Hat,
G. M. Hardy, Guardent, Inc.
Securing the Internet - When Cryptography Isn't Enough,
P. Neumann, SRI
SNMPv3 with Security and Administration,
J. Case, SNMP Research
Security for High-Speed Internets,
J. Ingle, NSA
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) & Beyond,
E. Barker, NIST
Security for Domain Name System - Ready for Prime Time,
O. Gudmundsson, NAI Labs
Your Always-On Connection & the Telecommuter,
P. Dinsmore, NAI Labs
Certificates in the Internet: State, Issues, and Futures,
J. Linn, RSA Laboratories Security, Inc.
Distributed Denial of Service Attacks - Can We Survive This New Threat?,
J. David, Lehman Brothers
Incident Response - Stopping Them Dead in Their Tracks,
J. David, Lehman Brothers
Incident Response - Tracking Them Down,
B. Hancock, Exodus Communications
Fuzzy Data Mining and Genetic Algorithms Applied to Intrusion Detection,
S. Bridges, Mississippi State University
Rethinking Department of Defense Public Key Infrastructure,
J. Hackerson, Meredith Group
The Evolving Virus Threat,
C. Nachenberg, Symantec
Towards XML as a Secure Intelligent Agent Communication Language,
A. Korzyk, Sr., Virginia Commonwealth University
Penetration Analysis of a Xerox Documenter DC 230ST: Assessing the Security of a Multi-Purpose Office Machine,
B. Kuperman, Purdue University
Analysis of Terminal Server Architectures for Thin Clients in a High Assurance Network,
C. Irvine, Naval Postgraduate School
Trusted X.500 Directory Server Concept,
K. Goertzel, Wang Government Services, Inc.
A Query Facility for Common Intrusion Detection Framework,
S. Jajodia, George Mason University

Last update July 5, 2001

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