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Opening Plenary Program
Monday, October 16, 2000

Keynote Speaker

Photo of David Farber
  • David J. Farber, Chief of Technologies, Federal Communications Commission, and the Alfred Fitler Moore Professor of Telecommunications, University of Pennsylvania

David J. Farber is the Alfred Fitler Moore Professor of Telecommunication Systems at the University of Pennsylvania, holding appointments in the Computer Science and Electrical Engineering departments. He was responsible for the design of the DCS system, one of the first operational message-based fully distributed systems and is one of the authors of the SNOBOL programming language. He was one of the principals in the creation and implementation of CSNet, NSFNet, BITNET II, and CREN. He was instrumental in the creation of the NSF/DARPA funded Gigabit Network Testbed Initiative and served as the Chairman of the Gigabit Testbed Coordinating Committee. His background includes positions at the Bell Labs, the Rand Corp, Xerox Data Systems, UC Irvine and the University of Delaware. He is a member of the US Presidential Advisory Committee of Information Technology. In addition, he is a Fellow of the IEEE and serves on the Board of Directors of both the Electronic Frontier Foundation and the Internet Society. He was a 10-year alumnus of the Computer Science and Telecommunications Board (CSTB) of the US National Research Council. He is a Fellow of the Japan Glocom Institute and of the Cyberlaw Institute. He is the Founder and Editor of the influential network newspaper Interesting People with a readership of over 20,000. He serves on many industrial Advisory Boards including AT&T, COM21, Covad, Intertrust, Metricom and Torrent.

Last update July 5, 2001

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