Federal Information Systems
Security Educators’ Association (FISSEA)

Greetings from Barbara Cuffie, the Executive Board Chair of the
Federal Information Systems Security Educators’ Association


Reprinted from December 2001 FISSEA Newsletter

Greetings FISSEA Members, Friends and Supporters

This is our first newsletter since the world changed on September 11, 2001.  It has been and still is difficult to grasp the magnitude of the horror and the personal pain that so many people are still suffering with such a tremendous lost of loved ones on that day.  I want to assure you that the FISSEA Board extends its heartfelt sympathy to any of you who may have experienced a personal loss due to the events of that day.

As President Bush has encouraged all of us to do, we are overcoming the challenges we must confront daily to carry on FISSEA’s business as usual.  We are in the midst of planning our 15th Annual FISSEA Conference, and doing the many tasks required to ensure that it will meet our standards and fulfill your expectations.  The Conference Committee and the Board are working collaboratively to invite the kind of quality speakers who will share substantive, relevant information in interesting ways.  Please plan to attend.  After all, we are working diligently to make this our best conference yet.

We will soon be accepting your nominations for the Educator of the Year.  Recognizing the accomplishments of the person selected by his/her peers to become FISSEA’s Educator of the Year is one of the highlights of every conference.  We hope that you will consider nominating someone whom you believe merits such an honor.  Each year our nomination review committee must select that special individual, among those nominated, who deserves recognition for his/her noteworthy efforts and accomplishments in the field of information systems security awareness, training and education.  Perhaps, you are interested in volunteering to be involved in the evaluation process this year.  If you want to make a nomination or volunteer, go to FISSEA’s Home Page at http://csrc.nist.rip/organizations/fissea/ or contact Ms. Peggy Himes (peggy.himes@nist.gov) to notify us or obtain additional details.

Remember that FISSEA’s primarily exists to serve and assist you, our members.  However, it is difficult for us know if we are meeting your needs effectively without your input.  Thank you, in advance, for doing your part to communicate with us regularly.  We really need your candid feedback and sometimes encouragement also, to continually volunteer our time and efforts to benefit FISSEA and ensure that we accomplish its mission.

Barbara G. Cuffie, CISSP
FISSEA Executive Board Chair
Social Security Administration
E-mail: barbara.cuffie@ssa.gov

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Last Modified: January 7, 2002.