NITROX II is a series of multi-core, inline hardware macro processors, using a common processor core architecture. Each identical NITROX II core implements several security and math algorithms, including ModEx, RSA, 3DES, AES256, SHA1, MD5, and HMAC. NITROX II series part numbers include CN2120, CN2130, CN2240, CN2250, CN2260, CN2340, CN2350, CN2360, CN2420, CN2430, CN2435, CN2450, CN2460, and CN2560. Family performance ranges from 1 to 10 Gbps of encryption bandwidth, and 5K to 40K RSA/DH operations per second. NITROX II processors and acceleration boards are used in a wide range of equipment, and accelerate many security protocols and algorithms including IPSec and SSL.