Our team often writes articles or provides presentations that discuss and provide information about human-centered cybersecurity to various audiences, for example, cybersecurity practitioners or fellow researchers.
Currently, we are conducting a multi-phased research project to understand the interactions between human-centered cybersecurity researchers and practitioners. We hope the results will lead to the creation of mutually beneficial “bridges” between the research and practitioner communities that facilitate the relevance and application of research findings to real-world practice.
Users are not stupid: Six cyber security pitfalls overturned - Julie Haney. Cyber Security: A Peer-Reviewed Journal (2023)
HANDOUT - Users are not stupid: Six cybersecurity pitfalls overturned - Julie Haney & Susanne Furman (2023)
Users Are Not Stupid: Six Cybersecurity Pitfalls Overturned (Purdue CERIAS Presentation) Recorded presentation
- Julie Haney, Purdue University CERIAS webinar (2022)
Users are not stupid: Eight Cybersecurity Pitfalls Overturned Recorded presentation
- Julie Haney. RSA Conference (2022)
Is Your Cybersecurity Strategy Falling Victim to These 6 Common Pitfalls? (2023)
Conversations in Cybersecurity Podcast: Usability and Cybersecurity (2023)
Mind the Gap: Exploring Human-Centered Security Researcher-Practitioner Interactions (Extended Poster Abstract) - Clyburn Cunningham, Susanne Furman, & Julie Haney. Poster session at Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS) (2023).
Is Usable Security an Oxymoron? – Mary Theofanos. IEEE Computer (2020).
Shouldn't All Security Be Usable? – Mary Frances Theofanos & Shari Lawrence Pfleeger. IEEE Security & Privacy (2011)
ISPAB Panel on Usable Security – Mary Theofanos & Ellen Kowalczyk (Oct 29, 2010)
Usability Research in Support of Cybersecurity – Mary Theofanos (May 7, 2008)
Poor Usability: The Inherent Insider Threat – Mary Theofanos (Mar 21, 2008)
Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Securing Devices at Home and Work (2020)
SANS Blog: Humans and Technology: An Insecure Mix (2020)
HelpNet Security: Inside the NIST team working to make cybersecurity more friendly (2019)
Beyond Technical Skills: Unlocking the Human Element in Cybersecurity | Security Masterminds Podcast (2023)
Security Awareness Efforts Fall Short. Now What? | Behave: A Human Risk Podcast (2023)
Usability and Cybersecurity | Conversations in Security Podcast (2023)
Interview with Julie Haney re: NIST Usable Cybersecurity (starting at 9:35) | Paubox HIPAA Critical Podcast (2020)
Security and Privacy: authentication, behavior, cryptography, general security & privacy, privacy, security programs & operations, usability
Applications: cybersecurity education, cybersecurity workforce, Internet of Things, voting