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NISTIR 8235 (Draft)

Security Guidance for First Responder Mobile and Wearable Devices

Date Published: September 2020
Comments Due: November 30, 2020 (public comment period is CLOSED)
Email Questions to: NISTIR8235_Comments@nist.gov


Gema Howell (NIST), Kevin Brady (NIST), Donald Harriss (NIST), Scott Ledgerwood (NIST)


Public safety officials utilizing the forthcoming public safety broadband networks will have access to devices, such as smartphones, tablets and wearables. These devices offer new ways for first responders to complete their missions but may also introduce new security vulnerabilities to their work environment. To investigate this impact, the security objectives identified in NIST Interagency Report (NISTIR) 8196, Security Analysis of First Responder Mobile and Wearable Devices, were used to scope the analysis of public safety mobile and wearable devices and the current capabilities that meet those security objectives. The ultimate goal of this effort is to provide guidance that enables jurisdictions to select and purchase secure devices and assist industry to design and build secure devices tailored to the needs of first responders.


NOTE: A call for patent claims is included on page iii of this draft. For additional information, see the Information Technology Laboratory (ITL) Patent Policy--Inclusion of Patents in ITL Publications.



cybersecurity; first responders; internet of things; IoT; mobile security; public safety; wearables
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NISTIR 8235 (Draft) (DOI)
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Supplemental Material:
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Document History:
09/28/20: NISTIR 8235 (Draft)


Security and Privacy
general security & privacy; security programs & operations

mobile; networks

Internet of Things

public safety