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White Paper (Draft)

Cybersecurity Framework Manufacturing Profile

Date Published: September 7, 2016
Comments Due: November 4, 2016 (public comment period is CLOSED)
Email Questions to: csf_manufacturing_profile@nist.gov


National Institute of Standards and Technology


A draft manufacturing implementation of the Cybersecurity Framework ("Profile") has been developed to establish a roadmap for reducing cybersecurity risk for manufacturers that is aligned with manufacturing sector goals and industry best practices. This Manufacturing "Target" Profile focuses on desired cybersecurity outcomes and can be used as a roadmap to identify opportunities for improving the current cybersecurity posture of a manufacturing system. This Manufacturing Profile provides a voluntary, risk-based approach for managing cybersecurity activities and reducing cyber risk to manufacturing systems. The Manufacturing Profile is meant to enhance but not replace current cybersecurity standards and industry guidelines that the manufacturer is embracing.



risk management; manufacturing; Cybersecurity Framework
Control Families

Audit and Accountability; Configuration Management; Contingency Planning; Identification and Authentication; Physical and Environmental Protection


Cybersecurity Framework Manufacturing Profile (Draft)

Supplemental Material:
None available

Related NIST Publications:
White Paper

Document History:
09/07/16: White Paper (Draft)
03/20/17: White Paper (Draft)
09/08/17: NISTIR 8183