Published: December 18, 2020
Vincent Hu (NIST)
Name: The 13th International Conference on Security Privacy and Anonymity in Computation Communication
Dates: 12/18/2020 - 12/20/2020
Location: [Virtual] Nanjing, China
Citation: SpaCCS 2020: Security, Privacy, and Anonymity in Computation, Communication, and Storage, vol. 12382, pp. 173-187
Interrelated computing device's system such as IoT, RFID, or edge device's systems are pervasively equipped for today's information application and service systems, protecting them from unauthorized access i.e. safety is critical, because a breach from the device may cause cascading effects resulting to data lost or even crash of the whole information system. However, to determine a protection system's safety is proven to be undecidable unless the system has limited management capabilities. And even with such limitation, it is too expensive to perform a safety test in term of computation time when a device has more than hundreds of subjects which is not uncommon for interrelated computing devices. Nevertheless, the required exponential computing time for safety test can be significantly reduced to its square root if computed by quantum algorithm. In this paper we demonstrate an application of quantum search algorithm to reduce the computation time for safety test for limited (i.e. mono operational) protection systems which are based on attribute-based access control model. The improvement of the performance allows the safety test for interrelated computing device's system to be much less expensive to compute.
Interrelated computing device's system such as IoT, RFID, or edge device's systems are pervasively equipped for today's information application and service systems, protecting them from unauthorized access i.e. safety is critical, because a breach from the device may cause cascading effects...
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Interrelated computing device's system such as IoT, RFID, or edge device's systems are pervasively equipped for today's information application and service systems, protecting them from unauthorized access i.e. safety is critical, because a breach from the device may cause cascading effects resulting to data lost or even crash of the whole information system. However, to determine a protection system's safety is proven to be undecidable unless the system has limited management capabilities. And even with such limitation, it is too expensive to perform a safety test in term of computation time when a device has more than hundreds of subjects which is not uncommon for interrelated computing devices. Nevertheless, the required exponential computing time for safety test can be significantly reduced to its square root if computed by quantum algorithm. In this paper we demonstrate an application of quantum search algorithm to reduce the computation time for safety test for limited (i.e. mono operational) protection systems which are based on attribute-based access control model. The improvement of the performance allows the safety test for interrelated computing device's system to be much less expensive to compute.
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access control; protection system; quantum algorithm; quantum search; security model
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