This bulletin summarizes the information that was disseminated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in a November 2007 Federal Register Notice. NIST is soliciting candidates for a new and robust cryptographic hash algorithm for use by Federal government agencies in protecting their information systems and information. The notice invited the public to submit candidate algorithms, and all nominations must be received by NIST by October 31, 2008. NIST is conducting an open, public process to identify suitable candidates for the new hash algorithm, which is needed because of recent advances in the cryptanalysis of hash functions. The new hash algorithm will be named SHA-3, and it will augment the hash algorithms currently specified in Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 180-2, Secure Hash Standard. Hash algorithms take a variable length message and produce a small fixed size output called a hash value or message digest. Hash algorithms are used as building blocks in many cryptographic applications such as digital signatures, message authentication code, key derivation, and random number generators.
This bulletin summarizes the information that was disseminated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in a November 2007 Federal Register Notice. NIST is soliciting candidates for a new and robust cryptographic hash algorithm for use by Federal government agencies in protecting...
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This bulletin summarizes the information that was disseminated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in a November 2007 Federal Register Notice. NIST is soliciting candidates for a new and robust cryptographic hash algorithm for use by Federal government agencies in protecting their information systems and information. The notice invited the public to submit candidate algorithms, and all nominations must be received by NIST by October 31, 2008. NIST is conducting an open, public process to identify suitable candidates for the new hash algorithm, which is needed because of recent advances in the cryptanalysis of hash functions. The new hash algorithm will be named SHA-3, and it will augment the hash algorithms currently specified in Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 180-2, Secure Hash Standard. Hash algorithms take a variable length message and produce a small fixed size output called a hash value or message digest. Hash algorithms are used as building blocks in many cryptographic applications such as digital signatures, message authentication code, key derivation, and random number generators.
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cryptography; digital signatures; Federal Information Processing Standards; hash algorithms; information security; message authentication; Secure Hash Standard.