We asked 7 experts 1 simple question to find out what has occurred recently in terms of applying formal methods (FM) to security-centric, cyber problems: Please summarize in a paragraph the state of the research and practitioner communities in formal method as you see it. Please include standards, conferences, tools, and anything else for our readers that they may not be aware of concerning recent noteworthy advancements and improvements in the FM community in recent years. Our experts were John McLean (Naval Research Labs), Paul Black (National Institute of Standards and Technology), Karl Levitt (University of California at Davis), Joseph Williams (CloudEconomist.Com), Connie Heitmeyer (Naval Research Labs), Eugene Spafford (Purdue University), and Joseph Kiniry (Galois, Inc.).
We asked 7 experts 1 simple question to find out what has occurred recently in terms of applying formal methods (FM) to security-centric, cyber problems: Please summarize in a paragraph the state of the research and practitioner communities in formal method as you see it. Please include standards,...
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We asked 7 experts 1 simple question to find out what has occurred recently in terms of applying formal methods (FM) to security-centric, cyber problems: Please summarize in a paragraph the state of the research and practitioner communities in formal method as you see it. Please include standards, conferences, tools, and anything else for our readers that they may not be aware of concerning recent noteworthy advancements and improvements in the FM community in recent years. Our experts were John McLean (Naval Research Labs), Paul Black (National Institute of Standards and Technology), Karl Levitt (University of California at Davis), Joseph Williams (CloudEconomist.Com), Connie Heitmeyer (Naval Research Labs), Eugene Spafford (Purdue University), and Joseph Kiniry (Galois, Inc.).
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