Published: June 1, 2019
Citation: ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems vol. 24, no. 3, article no. 31 (June 2019) pp. 31:1 - 31:25
Xiaolin Xu (University of Illinois at Chicago), Fahim Rahman (University of Florida), Bicky Shakya (University of Florida), Apostol Vassilev (NIST), Domenic Forte (University of Florida), Mark Tehranipoor (University of Florida)
Electronic systems are ubiquitous today, playing an irreplaceable role in our personal lives, as well as in critical infrastructures such as power grids, satellite communications, and public transportation. In the past few decades, the security of software running on these systems has received significant attention. However, hardware has been assumed to be trustworthy and reliable "by default" without really analyzing the vulnerabilities in the electronics supply chain. With the rapid globalization of the semiconductor industry, it has become challenging to ensure the integrity and security of hardware. In this article, we discuss the integrity concerns associated with a globalized electronics supply chain. More specifically, we divide the supply chain into six distinct entities: IP owner/foundry (OCM), distributor, assembler, integrator, end user, and electronics recycler, and analyze the vulnerabilities and threats associated with each stage. To address the concerns of the supply chain integrity, we propose a blockchain-based certificate authority framework that can be used to manage critical chip information such as electronic chip identification, chip grade, and transaction time. The decentralized nature of the proposed framework can mitigate most threats of the electronics supply chain, such as recycling, remarking, cloning, and overproduction.
Electronic systems are ubiquitous today, playing an irreplaceable role in our personal lives, as well as in critical infrastructures such as power grids, satellite communications, and public transportation. In the past few decades, the security of software running on these systems has received...
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Electronic systems are ubiquitous today, playing an irreplaceable role in our personal lives, as well as in critical infrastructures such as power grids, satellite communications, and public transportation. In the past few decades, the security of software running on these systems has received significant attention. However, hardware has been assumed to be trustworthy and reliable "by default" without really analyzing the vulnerabilities in the electronics supply chain. With the rapid globalization of the semiconductor industry, it has become challenging to ensure the integrity and security of hardware. In this article, we discuss the integrity concerns associated with a globalized electronics supply chain. More specifically, we divide the supply chain into six distinct entities: IP owner/foundry (OCM), distributor, assembler, integrator, end user, and electronics recycler, and analyze the vulnerabilities and threats associated with each stage. To address the concerns of the supply chain integrity, we propose a blockchain-based certificate authority framework that can be used to manage critical chip information such as electronic chip identification, chip grade, and transaction time. The decentralized nature of the proposed framework can mitigate most threats of the electronics supply chain, such as recycling, remarking, cloning, and overproduction.
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blockchain; electronics supply chain; trust; integrity
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