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NIST Computer
Security Publications

February 17, 2004
NIST Gaithersburg Campus


On February 17th the Computer Security Division and the Advanced Network Technologies Division of NIST's Information Technology Laboratory hosted a one-day workshop on technology to address the growing problem of spam e-mail. There are a number of stakeholders involved in devising a solution to the problem that spam has become: the legislative and policy community; the enforcement community; ISPs and vendors; the community of those that must implement the technology; the research and academic community; and finally the normal, private end-users. This workshop brought experts from these various stakeholders together for one of the first meetings of this type to be hosted by the US Government. Attendees also reflected this variety of stakeholders, including attendees from the governments of Mexico and the Netherlands. Next steps for NIST and further technology development are currently being considered.

Participants & Presentations

SPAM Legislation & Impact Panel

Mr. Don M. Blumenthal, Esq., Internet Lab Coordinator, Bureau of Consumer Protection, Federal Trade Commission
Federal Trade Commission Anti-Spam Efforts

Mr. Anthony V. Teelucksingh, Trial Attorney, Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section, Department of Justice

Ms. Paula J. Bruening, Staff Counsel, The Center for Democracy & Technology
Why Am I Getting All This Spam?

Ms. Michelle O'Neill, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Information Technology Industries, US Dept of Commerce
Presentation Slides


ISP Panel

Mr. Charles Stiles, Postmaster/Technical Manager, AntiSpam Operations, America Online
Spam Technologies

Mr. Miles Libbey, Anti-Spam Product Manager, Yahoo! Mail
Yahoo! SpamGuard


Vendor Panel

Mr. Al Donaldson, ESCOM
Spam Filtering with Active SMTP (ASMTP)

Mr. Phillip Hallam-Baker, Principal Scientist, Verisign
The Accountability Approach to Spam

Mr. Joe Fisher, Director of Product Management, Tumbleweed Communications Corp
Tumbleweed® Email Firewall

Mr. Tobias DiPasquale, Senior Software Engineer, ePrivacy Group
New Anti-Spam Approach

Mr. Matt Anthony, Director of Product Marketing, CiperTrust


R & D Standards Panel

Mr. Dean Richardson, VP of Technology, MessageGate, Inc., and Chairman, Open Group Messaging Forum

Mr. Yakov Shafranovich, SolidMatrix Technologies, Inc. and Co-Chair, Anti-Spam Research Group, Internet Research Task Force
Introduction to the Anti-Spam Research Group (ASRG)

Mr. Patrik Fältström, Internet Architecture Board
How to get control over email?

Mr. Richard Segal , IBM Research Antispam Task Force, IBM
Too Many Cooks Spam the Broth

Mr. Calvin Powers, Senior Engineer, IBM Software Group
Do Not E-mail Registries: Standards, Operational Issues, and Business Models





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