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NIST Released NISTIR 7977, NIST Cryptographic Standards and Guidelines Development Process

March 31, 2016

NIST announces the release of NIST Interagency Report (NISTIR) 7977, Cryptographic Standards and Guidelines Development Process. This document describes the principles, processes and procedures behind our cryptographic standards development efforts.

This document is the result of a NIST-initiated review of its cryptographic standards development process in response to public concerns about the security of NIST cryptographic standards and guidelines.

The first draft of NIST IR 7977 was released in February 2014 for public comment. This draft was revised based on the public comments received, as well as the recommendations from an independent review committee convened by NIST’s Visiting Committee on Advanced Technology (VCAT).  A second draft of NIST IR 7977 which incorporated those revisions was released for public comment in January 2015.   

NIST IR 7977 will serve as the basis to guide NIST’s future cryptographic standards and guidelines activities. It will be reviewed and updated every five years, or more frequently if a need arises, to help ensure that NIST fulfills its role and responsibilities for producing robust, effective cryptographic standards and guidelines.

The NIST Public Affairs Office posted a press release on the final publication of NIST IR 7977.