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2000 News and Announcements


  • December 5 -- The Federal Chief Information Officers Council (CIO Letter, GAO Letter, and Framework in PDF format) released the first version of the Federal Information Technology Security Assessment Framework. The Framework provides a five level methodology for agency officials to determine the current performance of their security programs. The Framework is intended to be the foundation document. A more detailed questionnaire on specific areas of controls will be developed by NIST in 2001. The questionnaire will provide a vehicle for consistent and effective measurement of the security status for a given asset. NIST's active role in developing the Framework ensures that the questionnaire will build on the Framework's foundation. The CIO Council announced the document by issuing a press release (in Word format).


  • The Cryptographic Module Validation Program (CMVP) run by the U.S. and Canadian governments achieved yet another milestone by adding a fifth National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) accredited Laboratory. The addition of Atlan Laboratories is significant given that this is the second new laboratory added to the program this year. The five CMVP testing laboratories test cryptographic modules to the requirements of Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 140-1, Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules. In addition, the CMVP continues its exponential growth by issuing the program's 122nd validation certificate. These 122 certificates actually represent over 142 separate modules by 39 different vendors."


  • October 23 -- Posted for public review is the first draft of Engineering Principles for IT Security (EP-ITS). This document was formerly titled IS Security Principles. Comments are requested by December 1, 2000. Information for reviewers, to include where to send comments, is included in the document.
  • October 2 -- the Secretary of Commerce today announced NIST's section of the Rijndael encryption algorithm, developed by Joan Daemen and Vincent Rijmen of Belgium, to propose as the Advanced Encryption Standard. Go to www.nist.gov/aes


  • September 29 -- ICAT vulnerability database updated with over 1600 vulnerabilities.


  • August 29 -- (posted Sept. 9) - NIAP Approves First Private Industry Testing Laboratories for Common Criteria IT Security Evaluations. For more information please see the NIAP announcement.


  • July 11 -- DRAFT Guidelines to Federal Organizations on Assessing Information Technology (IT) Security Programs Recommendations of the National Institute of Standards and Technology with attached CIO Council Information Technology Security Assessment Framework Draft and accompanying letter from John M. Gilligan, CIO, Department of Energy and Co-Chair, Security, Privacy, and Critical Infrastructure Committee of the Federal CIO Council. Please provide comments on either or both documents as indicated. NOTE: Not available in archived.
  • "As a companion effort to NSA's Information Assurance Technical Framework Forum, NIST is preparing an Information System Security Engineering Principles document (NOTE: This draft is now a FINAL Special Publication titled SP 800-27 Revision A, and is available for download/view on CSRC's Special Publication page. The initial 'outline' for this document is being posted for public review, with comments needed by September 1, 2000. Information for reviewers, to include where to send comments, is included in the document."



  • March 21 -- Draft NIST Guidelines to Federal Organizations on Security Assurance and Acquisition/Use of Tested/Evaluated Products -- Recommendations of the National Institute of Standards and Technology is available. NOTE: This document is now a FINAL Special Publication, titled Special Publication 800-23 and can be downloaded/viewed from the CSRC's Special Publications page.
  • March 9 -- NIST Deputy Director Karen Brown testifies before Congress on Computer Security.
  • March 3 -- The President sent a memo to the heads of Departments and Agencies on renewing their efforts to safeguard their computer systems against denial-of-service attacks on the Internet.


  • February 22 -- The Director of the OMB issues guidance to Federal agencies on Incorporating and Funding Security in Information Systems Investments.
  • February 22 -- The President's Chief of Staff sent a memo to the heads of Federal Department's and Agencies on computer security.
  • February 15 -- NIST announces   FIPS 186-2, Digital Signature Standard (DSS), which supersedes FIPS 186-1.  New items in this FIPS include 1) the approval of Elliptic Curve DSA (ECDSA) as specified in ANSI X9.62, 2) a list of recommended elliptic curves for Federal Government use, and 3) an allowance for the continued acquisition of implementations of PKCS#1 for a transition period of eighteen (18) months.
  • February 10 -- Electronic version of NISTIR 6462: CSPP - Guidance for COTS Security Protection Profiles is now available on-line.  To download NISTIR 6462: go to this page.


  • January 7 -- Announcement 1st International Common Criteria Conference (ICCC) {sponsored by NIAP} will be held on May 23-25, 2000.  For more information please visit the Conference website.


Last updated: March 7, 2007
Page created: January 2, 2000