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Threshold Cryptography: Ready for Prime Time?

March 11, 2019


Hugo Krawczyk - IBM Research


Abstract: The trend in trust decentralization together with the ever increasing value of digital assets (cryptocurrencies, blockchains, mega data repositories, key (mis)management, intellectual property, privacy, etc.) and the need to protect these assets for secrecy and availability, make threshold cryptography a most relevant technology whose time has come. We need to see more targeted applications as well as software platforms on which to build solutions that take into account real-world considerations such as asynchronous networks, support for diversified architectures, hardware enclaves, and more. Additionally, we need to refresh the set of techniques supporting threshold cryptography with advances in areas such as multi-party computation, quantum-resistant primitives, and blockchain-inspired consensus protocols. In addition to arguing these points, the talk will discuss some recent applications of threshold cryptography in the domain of key and password management, blockchain, and how threshold cryptography can be relevant to the #metoo movement.

Threshold Cryptography: Ready for Prime Time? Click to watch the video.

(Click the above image to see video on Youtube)

Presented at

NIST Threshold Cryptography Workshop (NTCW) 2019

1st keynote, presented on March 11, 2019

Event Details


    NIST, Gaithersburg campus

Related Topics

Security and Privacy: cryptography

Created March 12, 2019, Updated June 14, 2021