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Call for Papers and Panels

21st National Information Systems Security Conference

Co-sponsored by the:

National Computer Security Center and
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Hyatt Regency, Crystal City, VA

October 5-8, 1998

The National Information Systems Security Conference audience represents a broad range of information security interests spanning government, industry, commercial, and academic communities. Papers and panel discussions typically cover:

  • research and development for secure products and systems, presenting the latest thinking and directions;
  • electronic commerce;
  • legal issues such as privacy, ethics, investigations, and enforcement;
  • practical solutions for government, business and industry information security concerns;
  • network security issues and solutions;
  • management activities to promote security in IT systems including security planning, risk management, and awareness and training;
  • implementation, accreditation, and operation of secure systems in a government, business, or industry environment;
  • international harmonization of security criteria and evaluation;
  • evaluation of products, systems and solutions against trust criteria;
  • tutorials on security basics and advanced issues;
  • security issues dealing with rapidly changing information technologies;
  • highlights from other security forums; and
  • implementing policy direction.

We invite the submission of papers and proposals for panel discussions in any of the above areas as well as other topics related to IT system security.

BY FEBRUARY 2, 1998:

National Information Systems Security Conference
National Computer Security Center,
9800 Savage Road
Fort George G. Meade, MD 20755-6765

See instructions below regarding the format of your submission and accompanying information required.

Authors and Panel chairs selected to participate in the Conference will be notified by June 1, 1998 and advised when final papers and panel statements are due.

For additional information on submissions please call (410) 850-0272.

We especially encourage student papers written by individuals in degree programs. The student should not have been previously published, and the paper must be endorsed by an academic advisor.

Last update November 20, 2004

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