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Preparation of Conference Submissions
Call for Papers and Panels


General Information


Preparation of Conference Submissions

Submission for this conference has ended

Ascii text
Microsoft Word (.doc or .rtf)
Adobe Acrobat (.pdf)
Post Script
Rich Text format from other word processor (.rtf)

Include on your cover sheet:

Type of submission (paper, panel, tutorial)
Title or Topic
Abstract (not to exceed 250 words)
Organizational Affiliation
Phone numbers (voice and fax)
E-mail address
Point of Contact, if more than one author
If paper has been previously presented or published indicate when and where.

Submission related to work under U.S. Government sponsorship must also include the following information:

U.S. Government Program Sponsor or Procuring Element
Contract Number (if applicable)
U.S. Government Publication Release Authority

Classified material or topics should NOT be submitted.

Draft Papers:

12 page maximum, including figures and references. Include title, abstract, and keywords on first page. No more than 12 characters/inch and 6 lines/inch. One inch margins all around.

Since the paper referee process will be anonymous, names and affiliations of authors should appear only on the separate cover sheet. All submissions are treated as proprietary information belonging to the authors.

Release for Publication and Copyright: Authors are responsible for obtaining government or corporate releases for publication. Written releases will be required for all papers to be published. Papers developed as part of official U.S. government duties may not be subject to copyright. Papers that are subject to copyright must be accompanied by written assignment for multi-media publication to the National Information Systems Security Conference Committee.

Panel Proposals:

  • Panels are limited to 90 minutes, including time for prepared remarks, discussion, and audience interaction.
  • Proposals are not to exceed two pages but should summarize the topic, issues, viewpoints, and questions that will be addressed by the panel.
  • Proposals are to include the names of the panelists, panel chair, and affiliation of each participant.
  • Each Panel is limited to a maximum of five (5) persons, including the panel chair and four (4) panelists.
  • Panels will be selected by the Conference Program Committee. Panel chairs and panelists will be expected to provide position statements and slides for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings.

Proposals must be received by February 2, 1998

Last update November 20, 2014

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