22nd National Information Systems Security Conference
Hyatt Regency Crystal City
Arlington, Virginia, USA
(Located five minutes from downtown Washington, D.C.)

The 2000 Conference is going to be held in Baltimore, MD.
at the Convention Center the week of October 16th, 2000.

Welcome | Call for Papers | Program | Contacts | NIST Home

E-mail: nissconference@dockmaster2.ncsc.mil Telephone: 410.850.0272
Last updated: September 3, 2000

You can view the programs and materials from previous year's NISS Conferences:
1996 | 1997 | 1998
Proceedings and Papers:
1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999
History of Computer Security Project: The Early Papers
(The History of Computer Security Project/Papers are a collection of papers that was handed out on CD at 1998's NISS Conference.)