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Program for the Conference

About the Program Information on this Web Site


As a leading global forum on computer and information systems security, the National Information Systems Security Conference seeks to:

  • bring together information security and technology professionals from industry, academia, and government;
  • provoke debate, dialogue, and action on major information security issues for today and tomorrow;
  • educate the IT community on major information security issues and solutions;
  • promote demand and investment in information security products, solutions, and research;
  • challenge the IT community to provide solutions, research, and applied technology that are usable, inter operable, scalable, and affordable.

To improve the conference and increase its focus, our program track chairs have developed a diverse program with panels, tutorials, workshops and papers in the following areas:

Track Chairs
Assurance / Criteria / Testing Gene Troy, NIST
Murray Donaldson, CESG, UK
Electronic Commerce Jim Schindler, Hewlett-Packard
Don Sortor, Global Integrity Corp.
Future Issues Jack Holleran, NCSC
Networking and the Internet Dr. Dale Johnson, TIS Labs at Network Asscciates
David Balenson, TIS Labs at Network Associates
Policy / Administration /
Management / Operations
W. Joy Prangley, Department of Agriculture
David Adler, GSA
Research and Development Dr. George Dinolt, Lockheed Martin
Tutorials Karen Ferraiolo, Arca Systems, Inc.
Dr. Rayford B. Vaughn, Jr., Mississippi State University

Track threads will address the interests of the financial, business, academic, and government communities. Topics discussed will be directed toward:

  • Security Professionals
  • Chief Information Officers
  • VPs and managers of Engineering, R&D and Technology Departments
  • Information Systems managers and analysts
  • Network managers
  • Webmasters
  • Researchers
  • Electronic commerce community
  • Anyone with an interest in securing information systems and networks

There will be opportunities for information sharing as well as new approaches for solving management and technical issues. The conference will contribute to your professional growth as you gain new insights and knowledge, in turn assisting in your information system security responsibilities. The formal sessions and social events will provide time to network with experts and peers across a wide spectrum of interests.

Information Systems Security Exposition (held in parallel)

A parallel exposition will provide a forum for industry to showcase information systems security technology and hands-on demonstrations of products and services that are potential solutions to many network and computer security problems. For exposition information, call AFCEA at (703) 631-6200 or send email to

More information about the AFCEA organization is available on their Web site at

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Last update October 25, 1999

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