FISSEA Homepage
  About FISSEA
  October 12, 2005
  4th Free Workshop: Best
  Practices for Executive-Level
  Training: A Panel Discussion
  Archived FISSEA
  Sponsored Workshops
  FISSEA Bylaws
  2005-2006 Executive
  Board Biographies
  On-line E-mail List -
  Rules & Guidance
  Contact FISSEA
  Poster, Website
  and Security
  Trinket Contest
  March 20-21, 2006
  Bethesda North Marriott
  Hotel & Conference Center
  "Training for a Cyber Secure

  Educator of the
  Year (EOY) Award

  EOY Award Recipients
  ATE Links


The Federal Information Systems Security Educators' Association (FISSEA), founded in 1987, is an organization run by and for federal information systems security professionals.  FISSEA assists federal agencies in meeting their computer security training responsibilities.


Elevate the general level of information systems security knowledge for the federal government and federally-related workforce.

Serve as a professional forum for the exchange of information and improvement of information systems security awareness, training and education programs throughout the federal government.

Provide for the professional development of its members.


The FISSEA organization seeks to bring together information systems security professionals.
Each year, an award is presented to a candidate selected as Educator of the Year, honoring distinguished accomplishments in information systems security training programs.
Members are encouraged to participate in the annual FISSEA conference, and to serve on the FISSEA adhoc task groups.


Membership is open to information systems security professionals, trainers, educators, and managers who are responsible for information systems security training programs in federal agencies.
Contractors of these agencies and faculty members of accredited educational institutions are also welcome.

There are NO membership fees; all that is required is a willingness to share your products, information and experiences.


The FISSEA Executive Board meets monthly at NIST North in Gaithersburg, Maryland from 9:30am until 12:30pm. The Executive Board meetings are open to the membership, however, for security reasons one must provide notification at least a week ahead of time by sending an e-mail to fisseamembership@nist.gov. One must receive an acknowledgment before attending. Generally, meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month.


The 2003-2004 Executive Board has the following objectives:

  • Annual Conference, plan and execute
  • Establish and maintain effective communication among members through:
      • Web page content
      • Membership database
      • Quarterly newsletter
      • Establishing interactive communication via e-mail
  • Liaison activities to support mission and market FISSEA
  • Establish FISSEA Executive Board Operating Procedures


FISSEA Homepage
Last updated: April 10, 2003
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Send comments or suggestions to sectraining-info@nist.gov
NIST is an Agency of the U.S. Commerce Department's
Technology Administration