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Common Platform Enumeration (CPE)

Common Platform Enumeration (CPE) is a standardized method of describing and identifying classes of applications, operating systems, and hardware devices present among an enterprise's computing assets. CPE does not identify unique instantiations of products on systems, such as the installation of XYZ Visualizer Enterprise Suite 4.2.3 with serial number Q472B987P113. Rather, CPE identifies abstract classes of products, such as XYZ Visualizer Enterprise Suite 4.2.3, XYZ Visualizer Enterprise Suite (all versions), or XYZ Visualizer (all variations).

IT management tools can collect information about installed products, identifying these products using their CPE names, and then use this standardized information to help make fully or partially automated decisions regarding the assets. For example, identifying the presence of XYZ Visualizer Enterprise Suite could trigger a vulnerability management tool to check the system for known vulnerabilities in the software, and also trigger a configuration management tool to verify that the software is configured securely in accordance with the organization's policies. This example illustrates how CPE names can be used as a standardized source of information for enforcing and verifying IT management policies across tools.

The current version of CPE is 2.3. CPE 2.3 is defined through a set of specifications in a stack-based model, where capabilities are based on simpler, more narrowly defined elements that are specified lower in the stack. This design opens opportunities for innovation, as novel capabilities can be defined by combining only the needed elements, and the impacts of change can be better compartmentalized and managed.

This graphic shows the current CPE 2.3 stack, with the most fundamental layer (Naming) at the bottom. Each higher layer builds on top of the layers below it.

CPE 2.3 stack Diagram: from bottom to top: Naming, Name Matching, (spanning Name Matching) Applicability and Dictionary.

As the use of CPE continues to grow, it is anticipated that additional specifications will be added to the CPE 2.3 stack. This page will be updated as new specifications become available.

CPE 2.3 Stack


The Naming specification defines the logical structure of Well-formed Names (WFNs), URI bindings, and formatted string bindings, and the procedures for converting WFNs to and from the bindings.

Name Matching

The Name Matching specification defines the procedures for comparing WFNs to each other so as to determine whether they refer to some or all of the same products.


The Dictionary specification defines the concept of a CPE dictionary, which is a repository of CPE names and metadata, with each name identifying a single class of IT product. The Dictionary specification defines processes for using the dictionary, such as how to search for a particular CPE name or look for dictionary entries that belong to a broader product class. Also, the Dictionary specification outlines all the rules that dictionary maintainers must follow when creating new dictionary entries and updating existing entries.

Applicability Language

The Applicability Language specification defines a standardized structure for forming complex logical expressions out of WFNs. These expressions, also known as applicability statements, are used to tag checklists, policies, guidance, and other documents with information about the product(s) to which the documents apply. For example, a security checklist for Mozilla Firefox 3.6 running on Microsoft Windows Vista could be tagged with a single applicability statement that ensures only systems with both Mozilla Firefox 3.6 and Microsoft Windows Vista will have the security checklist applied.

Created December 07, 2016, Updated October 26, 2021