Partial abstract from the panel proposal: Due to the intense commercial interest in threshold protocols for DSA based signatures, we believe that a panel on the status of threshold protocols for DSA, and its maturity for standardization would be a very relevant and interesting addition to the NIST Workshop.
The panel, introduced by Hugo Krawczyk (IBM Research, USA), was composed of three introductory talks (the first of which is from the previous session, by Yashvanth Kondi), followed by a panel discussion.
Introduction talks:
Panel discussion. Moderator: Hugo Krawczyk (IBM Research, USA). Panelists: Samuel Ranellucci (Unbound Tech, Israel); Rosario Gennaro (CUNY, USA); abhi shelat (Northeastern University, USA).
(Click the above image to see video on Youtube)
NIST Threshold Cryptography Workshop 2019
Starts: March 11, 2019NIST, Gaithersburg campus
Security and Privacy: digital signatures