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Cryptographic Toolkit Header

Message Authentication

Currently, there exists two (2) FIPS-approved* algorithm for generating and verifying message/data authentication codes: DAC (better known as "MAC") and HMAC.


FIPS 113, Computer Data Authentication May 1985

FIPS 113 specifies an algorithm, which is based on DES, for generating and verifying a Message Authentication Code (MAC).


FIPS 198, HMAC - Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code March 2002

NIST is pleased to announce the approval of FIPS 198 HMAC - Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code. This standard describes a keyed-hash message authentication code (HMAC), a mechanism for message authentication using cryptographic hash functions. HMAC can be used with any iterative Approved cryptographic hash function, in combination with a shared secret key.

Testing / Products

Testing is not available for MAC.

NIST is currently developing validation tests for HMAC.

Future Plans

NIST intends to review FIPS 113 and determine whether it should be updated or replaced.

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* NIST cryptographic standards are specified in Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) Publications. The term "FIPS-approved" indicates something (e.g., a cryptographic algorithm) that is either a) specified in a FIPS or b) adopted in a FIPS and specified either in an appendix to the FIPS or in a document referenced by the FIPS.