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Opening Plenary Program
Monday, October 18, 1999
Opening Plenary
10:30 a.m. - 12 noon
Regency Ballroom

Opening Plenary Keynote Speaker
  • Charles Stuckey, Chairman of the Board and CEO, Security Dynamics
Charles Stuckey

Charles Stuckey, Chairman of the Board and CEO, Security Dynamics joined Security Dynamics in 1987 with over 20 years experience in high technology sales and marketing. Under his management, Security Dynamics experience phenomenal growth, doubling its business in each of the past three years. Prior to joining Security Dynamics, Mr. Stuckey was vice president of sales and marketing for Control Data Corporation, where he previously managed domestic operations, international operations and distributor/VAR programs. Before joining CDC, Mr. Stuckey held a succession of technical and field sales positions at IBM.

Last update August 25, 1999

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