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Research and Development
Assurance / Criteria / Testing 

Electronic Commerce 

Networking and the Internet  

Policy / Administration / Management / Operations 

Future Issues / Solutions 


Research and Development Track 

Explore the industry's latest research and development activities as presenters discuss a variety of subjects including software engineering, issues associated with rapidly changing information technology, as well as emerging R&D philosophies. Sessions and papers chosen for this track predict lively discussion with the attendees. 

All presentations, speakers, and times are subject to change. We will do our best to list the most current information. 
Multicast Security: Research, Standards, and Products  
Dr. Douglas Maughan, DARPA
Themes and Highlights of the New Security Paradigms Workshop 1999  
Mary Ellen Zurko, Iris Associates
Provably Insecure Mutual Authentication Protocols: The Two-Party Symmetric Encryption Case 
Jim Alves-Foss, University of Idaho
Status of the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Development Effort  
Jim Foti, NIST
Automatically Detecting Authentication Limitations in Commercial Security Protocols  
Stephen H. Brackin, Arca Systems
Smart Certificates: Extending X.509 for Secure Attribute Services on the Web  
Joon S. Park and Ravi Sandhu, George Mason University
On the Design of a Language for Role Based Access in Object Systems 
Vijay Varadharajan, University of W. Sydney
Implementation of Multiple Access Control Policies within a CORBASEC Framework  
Ramaswamy Chandramouli, NIST
A Trace-Based Model of the Chinese Wall  Security Policy  
Jim Alves-Foss, University of Idaho 
Ann E. Kelley Sobel, Miami University
Integrated Enterprise Systems Security Management: A Research Agenda  
Alexander D. Korzyk, Sr., Virginia Commonwealth University
A Comparison of CDSA to Cryptoki  
Ruth Taylor, NSA
Application Support Architecture for a High-Performance, Programmable Secure Coprocessor 
Sean W. Smith, J. Dyer, R. Perez, M. Lindemann, IBM
Statistical Testing of Random Number Generators 
Juan Soto Jr., NIST
Digital Watermark Mobile Agents 
Jian Zhao & Chenghui Luo, Fraunhofer Center for Research in Computer Graphics
Active Networks and Security  
Vijay Varadharajan, University of W. Sydney
Assessing Network Infrastructure Vulnerabilities to Physical Layer Attacks  
Thomas Shake, B. Hazzard, & D. Marquis, MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Immunity-Based Intrusion Detection System: A General Framework  
Dipankar Dasgupta, University of Memphis
Using Composition And Refinement To Support Security Architecture Trade-Off Analysis 
Charles Payne, Secure Computing Corporation
Abstracting Security Specifications in Building Survivable Systems  
J. Jenny Li and Mark Segal, Bellcore
An Avenue for High Confidence Applications in the 21st Century  
Timothy W. Krernann, William B. Martin, Frank Seaton Taylor, NSA

Last update June 28, 1999

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