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Demonstrations and Activities Program
Vendor Exposition

A parallel exposition will provide a forum for industry to showcase information systems security technology and hands-on demonstration of products and services that are potential solutions to many network and computer security problems. The exposition, sponsored by the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association, will be presented on Tuesday and Wednesday, October 17 and 18. For Exposition information, call the AFCEA at 703-631-6200 or send e-mail to

More information about the AFCEA organization is available on their Web site at

(Note: You will exit from the NIST Web site by clicking on this link.)

Book Exhibit

A book display representing selections from worldwide publishers dealing specifically with information systems security will be presented by Associations Book Exhibit, 693 S. Washington Street, Alexandria, VA 22314.

Government Displays

National and international government agencies and other nonprofit organizations with INFOSEC security programs (e.g. CERIAS, CESG, GSA, NIST, NSA) will share information with attendees about their respective programs.

Last Updated: September 12, 2000.

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