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Special Features Program

Sunday, October 15, 2000

9:00 - 6:00 pm
CISSP Examination
The CISSP Examination will be given on Sunday, October 15. Contact Jaime Burke in advance to apply for registration. Phone 888-333-4458 or 727-738-8657 x126, or email:

Monday, October 16, 2000

8:30-10:00 am : Early Bird Sessions

Conference Overview
  • (Recommended for first-time attendees).
    Mark Wilson, NIST
Student papers:
  • The Competitive Intelligence and National Security Threat From Website Job Listings,
    Jay Krasnow, Georgetown University
  • The Case for Beneficial Computer Viruses and Worms - A Student's Perspective,
    Greg Moorer, Mississippi State University
  • Subliminal Traceroute in TCP/IP,
    Thomas E. Daniels, Purdue University

10:30-noon : Opening Plenary

Keynote Speaker

Photo of David Farber
  • David J. Farber, Chief of Technologies, Federal Communications Commission, and the Alfred Fitler Moore Professor of Telecommunications, University of Pennsylvania

David J. Farber is the Alfred Fitler Moore Professor of Telecommunication Systems at the University of Pennsylvania, holding appointments in the Computer Science and Electrical Engineering departments. He was responsible for the design of the DCS system, one of the first operational message-based fully distributed systems and is one of the authors of the SNOBOL programming language. He was one of the principals in the creation and implementation of CSNet, NSFNet, BITNET II, and CREN. He was instrumental in the creation of the NSF/DARPA funded Gigabit Network Testbed Initiative and served as the Chairman of the Gigabit Testbed Coordinating Committee. His background includes positions at the Bell Labs, the Rand Corp, Xerox Data Systems, UC Irvine and the University of Delaware. He is a member of the US Presidential Advisory Committee of Information Technology. In addition, he is a Fellow of the IEEE and serves on the Board of Directors of both the Electronic Frontier Foundation and the Internet Society. He was a 10-year alumnus of the Computer Science and Telecommunications Board (CSTB) of the US National Research Council. He is a Fellow of the Japan Glocom Institute and of the Cyberlaw Institute. He is the Founder and Editor of the influential network newspaper Interesting People with a readership of over 20,000. He serves on many industrial Advisory Boards including AT&T, COM21, Covad, Intertrust, Metricom and Torrent.

Visit the Book Exhibit
Monday through Wednesday, October 16th-18th, a book display representing selections from worldwide publishers dealing specifically with information systems security will be presented by Associations Book Exhibit, 693 S. Washington Street, Alexandria, VA 22314.

5:30 pm : Awards Ceremony and Reception
On Monday evening, awards will be presented to vendors who have successfully developed IT security product lines that have been approved by the NIST Cryptographic Module Validation Program (CMVP), the NCSC Trusted Product Evaluation Program (TPEP), the NSA Trust Technology Assessment Program (TTAP), the National Information Assurance Partnership (NIAP), Common Criteria Evaluation and Validation Scheme (CCEVS), and the System Security Engineering Capability Maturity Model (SSE-CMM). An awards reception will follow at 6pm.

Tuesday, October 17, 2000

AFCEA Vendor Exposition
A parallel exposition will provide a forum for industry to showcase information systems security technology and hands-on demonstration of products and services that are potential solutions to many network and computer security problems. The exposition, sponsored by the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association, will be presented on Tuesday and Wednesday, October 17 and 18. For information, call the AFCEA at 703-631-6200 or send e-mail to

More information about the AFCEA organization is available on their Web site at (Note: You will exit from the NIST Web site by clicking on this link.)

Book Exhibit
See Monday (listed above) for information.

Wednesday, October 18, 2000

AFCEA Vendor Exposition
See Tuesday (listed above) for information.

7 pm : Banquet
The conference banquet will be held on Wednesday evening, beginning with a cash bar reception at 6pm, and followed by dinner at 7pm. A coupon for this event, which may be exchanged for a dinner ticket on a first-come, first-served basis, will be included in each attendee's registration kit.

Dinner Speaker

Photo of Mark Rasch
  • Mark D. Rasch, Vice President of Global Integrity Corporation

Mr. Rasch is Vice President of Global Integrity Corporation in Reston, Virginia. In this capacity, he advises banks, insurance companies, entertainment companies, and other Fortune 100 companies on legal and policy issues relating to doing business in Cyberspace. He has written and lectured extensively on computer crime, privacy, trademark and trade secret issues on the Internet, and has been featured in the New York Times, ABC's Nightline, PBS' Technopolitics, CNBC, and NPR as an expert on computer law and policy. He has a Juris Doctor degree from the State University of New York at Buffalo, and is an adjunct faculty member of the Washington College of Law at the American University, where he teaches courses in white-collar crime including computer crime. Prior to joining SAIC, Mr. Rasch was an attorney in private practice with the Washington, D.C. law firm of Arent Fox Kintner Plotkin & Kahn, and, for almost 10 years, a trial attorney with the U.S. Department of Justice where he headed the Department's efforts to investigate and prosecute computer and high-technology crime. During his tenure with the Department of Justice, he was responsible for the prosecution of Robert Tappan Morris, the Cornell University graduate student responsible for the so-called "Internet Worm" and the investigations of the Hannover hackers featured in Clifford Stoll's book The Cuckoo's Egg, and of Kevin Mitnick.

Thursday, October 19, 2000
Post-Conference Workshops
1:00 - 6:00 p.m.
8 a.m. Registration
Pre-registration required - Cost: $125
Attendance limited

Add to your conference experience by attending one of these outstanding technical workshops.

Visit the Government Displays - October 16-19, 2000

National and international government agencies and other nonprofit organizations with information system security programs (e.g. CERIAS, CESG, GSA, NIST, NSA) will share information with attendees about their respective programs.

Last update October 12, 2000

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