2004 FISSEA Conference:
Conference Contest

 2004 FISSEA

  University of Maryland
  March 9-11, 2004
 2004 Conference
 2004 Conference
 2004 Conference
 Location &
 Shuttle - Metro

 Educator of the
 Year Award
(.pdf - 2.78 MB)
 EOY Award

  FISSEA Homepage

 CSRC Homepage

A new Poster, Website, Security Trinket Contest is being held. Winners will be announced at the conference. Executive Board members Marvella Towns and Dara Murray are coordinating this contest. To participate, go to 2004 Conference Contest (the link will open up an MS Word file) for a description of the contest guidelines, entry form, and the judges score sheet. Please download the file, complete it, and email it to Dara Murray, dmurray@psc.gov.


FISSEA Homepage
Last updated: December 4, 2003
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