2004 FISSEA Conference:
Educator of the Year Award

 2004 FISSEA

  University of Maryland
  March 9-11, 2004
 2004 Conference
 2004 Conference
 2004 Conference
 Location &
 Shuttle - Metro

 Educator of the
 Year Award
(.pdf - 2.78 MB)
 EOY Award

  FISSEA Homepage

 CSRC Homepage

Nomination Information:
Each year the FISSEA recognizes an individual who has made significant contributions in education and training programs for information systems security.
Nominees need not be members of FISSEA, but do need to be nominated by a member. Nominees may be involved in any aspect of information systems security awareness, education, or training, including, but not limited to, instructors, security program managers, and practitioners who further education and training programs for information systems security in the public, private, or federal community. An ad hoc committee appointed by the Executive Board Chair will judge nominees.  Nominations must be received by January 31, 2004. Previous nomination letters for recent awardees are available below. The Educator of the Year Award Ceremony will be held during the conference in March 2004.
To nominate someone for the Educator of the Year, download the following file:
Microsoft Word '95, 2000 [24 KB]

Mail, Fax or E-mail your nominations to:

    Peggy Himes
    National Institute of Standards and Technology 
    100 Bureau Drive, Stop 8930
    Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8930 
    Phone: (301) 975-2489
    Fax: (301) 948-0279
    E-mail: peggy.himes@nist.gov
Begin nominations with:

           I nominate (full name and title) of (organization) for FISSEA Educator of the Year: 

 Justification should include:

    1. How the organization or federal community benefited from the activities of the individual, i.e. major accomplishment;

    2. The impact of achievements and accomplishments within and/or beyond the nominee's organization; 

    3. Information on whether the nominee received any compensation or awards as a result of the activities; and, 

    4. If any of the activities of the nominee were part of a government contract or group effort, indicate amount and type of direct participation by the nominee as compared to other participants.  Describe how the nominee distinguished him/herself from other members of the group.

    5. Include signature, e-mail address, telephone number, and organization of person completing the nomination.

Nominations will be judged on the following:

    1. Originality and uniqueness of the activities. 

    2. Extension of benefits within and/or beyond the nominee’s organization; 

    3. Scope and breadth of the nominee's accomplishments;

    4. If the nominee is part of a group activity, the amount and type of direct participation by the nominee as compared to staff members, contractors or other group participants.

In the event of a tie, a vote will be taken by the nomination review committee and the person having a plurality shall be declared the winner. 

Do not include any items which contain classified information. The activity may have involved participation in classified activities, but the nomination must be wholly unclassified.


FISSEA Homepage
Last updated: December 3, 2003
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