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mobile agents

Mobile Agent Links

The UMBC Agent Web has information and resources about intelligent information agents, intentional agents, software agents, softbots, knowbots, infobots, etc.

The Mobile Agent Security Bibliography contains a good collection of reference manuscripts on mobile agent security maintained by the developers of Mole.

The Annotated Bibliography on Mobile Agent Security contains another collection of references and links to mobile agent security documents organized under various themes.

The Mobility Mailing list has been set up to discuss all things pertaining to mobile code, objects, agents and the like.

A meta site for mobile code, agents and Java, containing links to books, FAQs, introductory material, definitions, organizations, presentations, mailing lists, newsgroups, and references.

Another meta site with links to other agent web sites, standards, bots, interface agents, and agent systems.

AgentLink is Europe's ESPRIT-funded Network of Excellence for agent-based computing. AgentLink is a coordinating organisation for research and development activities in the area of agent-based computer systems funded by the European Commission, which supports a range of activities aimed at raising the profile, quality, and industrial relevance of agent systems in Europe.

The Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents (FIPA) is a non-profit organization established in 1996 and registered in Geneva, Switzerland. It's purpose is to promote the development of specifications of generic agent technologies that maximize interoperability within and across agent based applications.

The Object Management Group (OMG) was formed to create a component-based software marketplace by hastening the introduction of standardized object software. The organization's charter includes the establishment of industry guidelines and detailed object management specifications to provide a common framework for application development.