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SHA-3 Reference and Optimized Implementations

Additional Implementations

Submitters may provide additional implementations to demonstrate specific properties of their algorithm; for example, to illustrate that a candidate algorithm is parallelizable. A parallelizable algorithm must work efficiently in a serial fashion, and that should be demonstrated in the Reference and Optimized Implementations.

If submitters wish to provide additional implementations, they should include all information, such as additional libraries, that are necessary and used for these implementations.

If additional implementations are provided on the optical media (See Section 2.C.5 of the Federal Register Notice), it is recommended that the submitter add a directory called "Additional Implementations" and place these implementations there. However, if submitters decide not to submit additional implementations and merely provide data regarding these additional features, that data should be placed in the "Supporting Documentation" directory.

For full details of the SHA-3 Submission Requirements, see the Federal Register Notice (November 2, 2007).