The National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) is seeking collaborations with U.S. companies through a formal initiative called the National Cybersecurity Excellence Partnership (NCEP).
As described in a recent Federal Register notice, the NCEP is a public-private partnership that offers U.S. companies the opportunity to form a long-term relationship with the NCCoE. Participating companies will provide components of example solutions to intractable cybersecurity challenges.
The mission of the NCCoE is to collaborate with innovators to provide real-world cybersecurity capabilities that address business needs. An NCEP partner’s investment may take the form of physical infrastructure such as hardware and software components, intellectual knowledge including best practices and lessons learned, or physically or logically colocated personnel who work side by side with federal staff.
If you are interested in becoming an NCEP partner, please follow the Federal Register notice instructions and submit a formal letter of interest through one of the following channels:
Postal Mail:
National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence
National Institute of Standards and Technology
100 Bureau Drive, MS 2000
Gaithersburg, MD 20899
A letter of interest should contain sufficient information for the NCCoE to objectively evaluate
three criteria:
Qualified companies will be invited to enter into a memorandum of understanding with NIST and NCCoE.
Companies will be notified in writing if the center finds that: