The “Special Topics on Privacy and Public Auditability” (STPPA) series is organized by the Privacy Enhancing Cryptography (PEC) project in the Cryptographic Technology Group at NIST-ITL-CSD. Each event will include talks on various interconnected topics related to privacy and public auditability. The goal is to convey basic technical background, incite curiosity, suggest research questions and discuss applications, with an emphasis on the role of cryptographic tools.
Below is a list of past or scheduled events, with links to further details.
Event details (abstracts, bios, registration):
Time and place: July 06, 2021, 13:30--16:45 EDT @ virtual event by video conference
Featured topics: private information retrieval (PIR), encrypted search, fully homomorphic encryption (FHE)
Structure: welcome; three invited talks; panel conversation
Metadata | Video |
Title: STPPA#3 Welcome Approximate start time: 13:30 EDT |
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Title: Private Information Retrieval with Near-Optimal Online Bandwidth and Time Speaker: Elaine Shi (Carnegie Mellon University) Approximate start time: 13:40 EDT |
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Title: Encrypted Search Speaker: Seny Kamara (Brown University) Approximate start time: 14:25 EDT |
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Title: Private AI: Machine Learning on Encrypted Data Speaker: Kristin Lauter (Facebook AI Research) Approximate start time: 15:15 EDT |
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Title: Panel: PEC for privacy and public auditability Panelists (the invited speakers): Seny Kamara (Brown University); Kristin Lauter (Facebook AI Research); Elaine Shi (Carnegie Mellon University) Moderators (the PEC team): Luís Brandão (NIST/Strativia), René Peralta (NIST), Angela Robinson (NIST) Approximate start time: 16:05 EDT |
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Event details (abstracts, bios, registration):
Time and place: April 19, 2021, 13:00--16:00 EDT @ virtual event by video conference
Featured topics: private set intersection, secure multi-party computation.
Structure: introduction; two invited talks; panel conversation
Metadata: | Video |
Title: STPPA#2 Intro: Brief comments on PEC and STPPA Speaker: Luís Brandão (NIST/Strativia). Approximate start time: 13:05 EDT |
Title: A Brief Overview of Private Set Intersection Speaker: Mike Rosulek (Oregon State University) Approximate start time: 13:15 EDT |
Title: Secure computation on datasets Speakers: Steve Lu (Stealth Software Technologies) and Rafail Ostrovsky (UCLA) Approximate start time: 13:55 EDT |
Title: Panel: PEC for privacy and public auditability Panelists (the invited speakers): Steve Lu (Stealth Software Technologies), Rafail Ostrovsky (UCLA) and Mike Rosulek (Oregon State University) Moderators (the PEC team): Luís Brandão (NIST/Strativia), René Peralta (NIST), Angela Robinson (NIST) Approximate start time: 15:10 EDT |
(Note: The original schedule had planned an additional talk, which was postponed to a future event.)
Event details:
Featured topics: public randomness and auditability; differential privacy; census data; video time-authentication.
Time and place: January 27, 2020, 10:00--15:00 EST @ NIST Gaithersburg (Building 101, Lecture room B)
Metadata | Video |
Title: Randomness beacons as enablers of public auditability Speaker: Luís Brandão (NIST) Approximate start time: 10:15 EST |
Title: De-Identification and Differential Privacy Speaker: Simson Garfinkel (U.S. Census Bureau) Approximate start time: 10:45 EST |
Title: Deploying differential privacy for the 2020 census of population and housing (Impromptu alternative to "Differential Privacy at the US Census Bureau: Status Report") Speaker: Simson Garfinkel (U.S. Census Bureau) Approximate start time: 11:45 EST Media: Slides (alternative slide-deck "...: status report") and video |
Title: What math and physics can do to combat fake videos Speaker: Charles Bennett (IBM Research) Approximate start time: 14:00 EST Media: Video. |
Attendance is open and free to the public, but requires registration.
Questions, comments or feedback can be sent to "pec-stppa at nist dot gov".
Security and Privacy: cryptography, privacy